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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Dagstuhl 15051 Day 3- Photo Diary and notes

Blog about the third day of Dagstuhl seminar 15051 where I discussed agents in fiction-settings,  considered pros and cons of answer set programming vs genetic algoritms, and discovered that my sweater is actually a brush holder. Also flopped around in mud.

On the third day we continued in our groups. We narrowed down the discussion on believable agents to concern contexts of dramatic settings - when they are actors or actants in fiction. It was a good discussion.  
morning day 3

There are some notes from the discussion below, but I'm not sure if they at all make sense to someone who was not there. It was a great group - it is not everyday one has the chance to talk narrative with some of the most prominent researchers in interactive narrative and narrative generation.

morning day 3-note2

Michael Youngs socks of fluffy knobbiness
I noticed that that Michael Young had interesting decorations on his socks,  little friendly fluff-knobs. He said he had put them on inside out. Nevertheless, they added some cheer. Brian Magerko presented our work to the group.

Brian and Ian action-presenting

my sweater is a brush-holder!

While taking notes, I discovered that my sweater was perfect for storing brushes in. I made it easier. I also had the handbag that has a magnetic lock, so the little tin with my colour pans stick to it. (I don't need to worry about dropping the colour tin on the floor and start fussing around after it.)

John Levine Simon Adam Alex Julian

After the presentations we went for a long walk in the woods. We flopped around in a mix of mud and snow, and had a terrific time. 

Rushing through the mud!

We fear no muddy slopes

