...that made me wonder where we of the Truants may find ourselves. My suggestion is a big truants-shaped cloud formation that stricks down lightnings of pink clarity in seemingly random patterns!
Blog Archive
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
René of the Truants (rouge sholars of MMOs) sent out a link to this wonderful picture today, a Map of Online Communities:

...that made me wonder where we of the Truants may find ourselves. My suggestion is a big truants-shaped cloud formation that stricks down lightnings of pink clarity in seemingly random patterns!
...that made me wonder where we of the Truants may find ourselves. My suggestion is a big truants-shaped cloud formation that stricks down lightnings of pink clarity in seemingly random patterns!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
The Mystery of the Human Head or The Philosophical Brain
For years i have, from time to time, been thinking of a certain picture that I associate with the Mind Module. I have done futile image searches based on key words i thought may give a hit. Today i I stumbled over it while browsing for posters.
The picture is called "The Mystery of the Human Head" or "The philosophical brain", and appeared in a book by the hermetic artist Robert Fludd (1574 - 1632). Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minores metaphysica, physica atque technica historia was published in 1617 (Oppenheim) and came in seven volumes. In the picture Fludd visualizes the spiritual aspects of man as abiding in certain recesses of the brain. The illustration is made by Merian. After som searching i found a picture of a microfilm that has a high enough resolution for seeing what is written in the illustration. Finally! A four year long curiosity is satisfied.
The picture is called "The Mystery of the Human Head" or "The philosophical brain", and appeared in a book by the hermetic artist Robert Fludd (1574 - 1632). Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minores metaphysica, physica atque technica historia was published in 1617 (Oppenheim) and came in seven volumes. In the picture Fludd visualizes the spiritual aspects of man as abiding in certain recesses of the brain. The illustration is made by Merian. After som searching i found a picture of a microfilm that has a high enough resolution for seeing what is written in the illustration. Finally! A four year long curiosity is satisfied.
- Wikipedia on Fludd
- JR Ritman Library Bibliotheca Philosifica Hermetica - Illustrations and information
- Echo - European Cultural Heritage Online - Utriusque Cosmi maioris salicet et minoris metaphysica possible to browse page by page.
- Bill Heidrick's Cross References - Downloadable PDF of Utriusque Cosmi maioris salicet et minoris metaphysica
Friday, May 04, 2007
Winter in Stockholm
I spent most of the winter in a sofa corner dressed different Hello Kitty pyjamas. Well, I guess that's a truth with modification, but it feels like that in hindsight. I decided to take a break from developing for a while to allow myself some reflection. Instead of implementing I have been reading and playing. So I have been reviewing articles for journals and conferences focussing on game studies. I got dragged out of my sofa corner on a regular basis though since a few brave souls in Swedish media have realized that virtual worlds are interesting. I also received the Hans Werthén scholarship from the Royal Swedish Academy of the Engineering Sciences, an occasion where I definitely needed to wear something else than a Hello Kitty pyjama.

My sofa-corner
TV400, Gameplayer TV, part 4 of 7, 23.45
Vi tittar närmare på online-spelande. Reportage om Age of Conan och hands-on i studion av Lord of the Rings.

Tidningen Vi, Majnumret
"Sinnesingeniören" (The mind engineer)

Kungl. Ingengiörsvetenskapsakademien
Hans Werthén-fonden (Hans Werthén Scholarship, Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences)
Tilldelning av stipendie om 125 000 kr för gästforskarperiod på University of Santa Cruz, Kalifornien.

Sveriges Television, Kunskapskanalen, Mera Kultur, 20.00
Datorspel i fantasi och verklighet (Computer games in fantasy and reality)
De parallella världarna på internet växer både i storlek och popularitet. Här utspelar sig oftast sagans till synes okonstlade kamp mellan gott och ont. Så länge fantasi finns kommer behovet av en myt, episk berättelse eller fabel aldrig att stillas. Stora rollspel som till exempel World of Warcraft engagerar miljontals människor över hela klotet. Programvärden Fredrik Sahlin samtalar med kulturjournalisten och spelrecensenten Jonas Thente samt spelforskaren Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari som berättar om attraktionen, kommersen och framtiden för datorspelen.

Well, Vivi claims that he actually conjured Fredrik Sahlin. "How else could the host of a tv show about video games as culture be so charming, handsome and intelligent?" he asked me.

Again Vivi claims to have conjured a person, this time video-games reviewer.

Vivi was charmed by Susanne Möller who he met in the coffee room at TV4 in Stockholm. He kept talking about her for days! How cool she was and how nice and how much she knows about WoW and how much he loves the reviews she writes for DN... Finally I had to tuck him back into the handbag again ;)
My sofa-corner
My excursions to Swedish media:
TV400, Gameplayer TV, part 4 of 7, 23.45
Vi tittar närmare på online-spelande. Reportage om Age of Conan och hands-on i studion av Lord of the Rings.
Tidningen Vi, Majnumret
"Sinnesingeniören" (The mind engineer)
Dagens Industri, p 19
"Forskaren som ger dataspelen nytt liv" (The researcher who give computer games new life)

Dagens Industri, p 19
"Forskaren som ger dataspelen nytt liv" (The researcher who give computer games new life)
Svenska Dagbladet, Näringsliv, p 14 - 15
"De har världen som arbetsfält" (The world is their working field)

Svenska Dagbladet, Näringsliv, p 14 - 15
"De har världen som arbetsfält" (The world is their working field)
Kungl. Ingengiörsvetenskapsakademien
Hans Werthén-fonden (Hans Werthén Scholarship, Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences)
Tilldelning av stipendie om 125 000 kr för gästforskarperiod på University of Santa Cruz, Kalifornien.
Sveriges Television, Kunskapskanalen, Mera Kultur, 20.00
Datorspel i fantasi och verklighet (Computer games in fantasy and reality)
De parallella världarna på internet växer både i storlek och popularitet. Här utspelar sig oftast sagans till synes okonstlade kamp mellan gott och ont. Så länge fantasi finns kommer behovet av en myt, episk berättelse eller fabel aldrig att stillas. Stora rollspel som till exempel World of Warcraft engagerar miljontals människor över hela klotet. Programvärden Fredrik Sahlin samtalar med kulturjournalisten och spelrecensenten Jonas Thente samt spelforskaren Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari som berättar om attraktionen, kommersen och framtiden för datorspelen.
Well, Vivi claims that he actually conjured Fredrik Sahlin. "How else could the host of a tv show about video games as culture be so charming, handsome and intelligent?" he asked me.
Again Vivi claims to have conjured a person, this time video-games reviewer.
Dagens Nyheter, DN Kultur, Spelreportage
Fantastiska Final Fantasy (Fantastic Final Fantasy)
Två framträdande spelpersonligheter, chefredaktören för speltidningen Level Tobias Bjarneby och doktoranden i spelutveckling Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari förklarar för oss varför Final Fantasy-serien är så stor.
Dagens Nyheter, DN Kultur, Spelreportage
Fantastiska Final Fantasy (Fantastic Final Fantasy)
Två framträdande spelpersonligheter, chefredaktören för speltidningen Level Tobias Bjarneby och doktoranden i spelutveckling Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari förklarar för oss varför Final Fantasy-serien är så stor.
TV4 Nyhetsmorgon:
Virtuella världar är en verklighet i dag (Virtual worlds are a reality today)
Mirjam Eladhari, doktorand i spelutveckling, och Susanne Möller, spelskribent DN, är gäster i soffan.Virtuella världar är en verklighet i dag (Virtual worlds are a reality today)
Vivi was charmed by Susanne Möller who he met in the coffee room at TV4 in Stockholm. He kept talking about her for days! How cool she was and how nice and how much she knows about WoW and how much he loves the reviews she writes for DN... Finally I had to tuck him back into the handbag again ;)
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