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Monday, April 03, 2006

# Harviainen: Defining the In-Game State: A Field Study on Player Perceptions of “Self” during Live-action Role-play , freeform notes from Seminar on

These are my free form notes from the Seminar in Tampere on Playing Roles:

Harviainen: Defining the In-Game State: A Field Study on Player Perceptions of “Self” during Live-action Role-play

A failed field study, got less questionaires back than needed (60) //not that bad.
Character immersion: Yes. Answer rate 68%
No correlations for factors trying to find "enjoyable game"
More finns than swedes beilieved in immersion. Amount of propaganda in rp community?
Gradually becoming rather than pretending.
Signs turning to other signs (comparison: plane hijack)
Most imortant finding: players likely to choose the option with the most dramatic potential, s long as that option remains within the parapeters of character and game consistency, quote from Lehman (2005) seem true. (LARPING)
//wonder if it would be true for other genres of RPG?


MartinE: this an ideal. It didnt happen in Moira. A lot of dramatic potential was turned down. Ppl report their ideal. Sad truth is that people can be shy and lazy.
Heidi: the qustionnaire has a quite formal language and confusing questions, that could have had an effect.
Harviainen: next thing to do would be interviews.