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Monday, April 03, 2006

Hopeametsä: Immersion in LARP Experience: Ground Zero as Case Study , freeform notes from Seminar on Playing Roles, Tampere

These are my free form notes from the Seminar in Tampere on Playing Roles:

Hopeametsä: Immersion in LARP Experience: Ground Zero as Case Study

Ground zero:
Bombshelter situation.
Test use of closed space.
//remember the larp martin and staffan made when we were at the castle in bonn. They documented it, didnt they?
That a character doesnt immerse in the character doesnt mean that he she isnt immersed in a game. Can be immersed in the game to put it without negations.
Flow experience.
Components of immersion.
Topics for discussion:
- Larp as a game
- Immersion
- Relationship between the player and the character.

Where is the line between the character and the player?

Heidi Hopeametsä

Lisbeth: in harvainens paper says you cant learn anything if you are immersed, view on that, and what about using an american setting in finland?
Hopea: ask the players, some of them are in this room.
Harviainen: appropriating alien information was about learning things ... Outside the game... In that meaning these are not connected.
Craig: from feature based definitions of games LARP not a game, but that also depends on how players approaches a game. Ritualistic stuff, religious stuff, what kind of freezone is it? What does it give you. For playing the character a player often plays?
Martin E: not the case in this game! Have detailed characters.
Craig: the liminal function is really interesting, what is the social function.
Stenros: a player felt that the character was a hinderance, he wanted to feel the situation without that filter, but that really depends on the player. A few years ago this was seen as avant garde, when it happened, pushing boundaries.
Craig: But what kind of ritual is it.
Grey t-shirt: arousal vs frequency. Flasbub(?) learning. If putting a lot of emotion into a ritual the recall of the situation will crystallise whatever you experience. Seems to have a lot to do with arousal.
Harviainen: exellent game for study. Low quality of characters, shallow.
Hopeametsä: character were built by players in coop with game master.
Petri: no cognitive capacity left when in that immersed state. Later on one can interpret. Prelearned ways of coping. Important part of roleplaying.
//interesting that it in some cases immersion is increased without having another role. Hmm not really. Must be one of those habit things, thinking role role role if rp context
Hopea: this still work in progress, valuable comments. (re something frans said about the post-game euforia.)
Lisbeth: i dont buy the ritual thing, more towards the gonzalo frasca stuff.